
Hi, my name is Amy, and I'm a stalker.

I am officially a blog stalker.  I love to read blogs, and I follow many.  Occasionally, I will leave comments, but mostly I stay behind the scenes.  I've preferred to lurk.  I wish this were my only stalking habit.  

You see, in college I developed a healthy obsession with Jessica Simpson.  I was convinced that I could spot her in Malibu,  Santa Barbara or even LAX.  I'm pretty sure we would be friends, given the opportunity.  To be honest, my obsession continues to this day.  I went to her concert a few weeks ago just to prove to myself that the rumors about my favorite pop-turned-country star weren't true.  Hanging out with Jessica is on my list of things that I plan to make happen.  It comes right after landing my face on the Oprah Winfrey show.  (I'm pretty sure that with the new Skype feature that she appears to be so fond of, that I can make this happen).

So for that reason, I think I'll give blogging a shot.  Just in case there are other recovering stalkers out there, I feel obliged to contribute to the blogging world.  


Amanda Lamb said...

Amy, I added you to my google reader. :) I love blogs too!

Heidi said...

welcome! - Feel free to stalk our blog! Or even add it to your blogroll!! ;) www.chroniclesofleonard.blogspot.com